Live from the stage/my workspace

hey y’all.

Writer and artist, focus and passion in storytelling and development in the animation world. BFA from Pratt in 3D Animation and MFA from SCAD in Animation, my graduate thesis wrapping at a solid 200 pages discussing gender representation in animated films. I have experience as a production coordinator, director, staff writer, project design lead, storyboard artist, screenwriter, lyricist, team captain, editor-in-chief, travel illustrator, graphic novelist, story editor, graphic designer, video editor, and family christmas card artist. Currently working on: writing a graphic novel and jumpstarting my new company.

When I’m not absorbed in my work, you can find me on the soccer field, painting flowers on air force 1's, marathoning Star Trek, or at a local southern restaurant debating Texas vs. Carolina BBQ (the answer is Carolina, by the way).

Animation puts a certain kind of magic into the world, and that's what I want to be a part of. Ask me about my feature film!




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