january 18th

i. characteristics of sci-fi

  • setting in an alternate world and alien societies, dystopian worlds
  • non-human characters, often used to comment on the human condition
  • allegory
  • advanced science and technology (time travel is a big one)
  • speculates on the nature and direction of human knowledge
  • anachronism (like steam punk)
  • romanticization

ii. characteristics of fantasy

  • fictional worlds and universes
  • full of action, specific paths and patterns (ie the heroes journey)
  • characters can have special powers/connection to the super natural
  • animorphisism
  • good vs evil, plot and conflicts are usually resolved with great dads or acts of human kindness
  • uses magic or other ideas to achieve the extremely impossible

iii. characteristics of adventure

  • fast paced, action packed plots
  • takes place in an "elsewhere"
  • heroes face life or death scenarios, constantly perilous circumstances
  • sense of urgency, goals/mission must be accomplished in a short period of time
  • dark and foreboding mood
  • clearly defined good and bad characters

iv. examples of my work

  1.  The (Interior) Space Enthusiastinterior lighting
  2. CONQUER; comic book
  3. Puddle Jumper; studio iii final
  4. Good Intentions; short comic
  5. Over Under Through; illustration
  6. How to Be a Dreamer; short comic for The Sketchbook Project
  7. Lance the Dinosaur in: Lunar Dreams; silhouette puppetry
download (3).jpg

v. some work i admire

  1. this scene in star wars (~0:27)
  2. game of thrones
  3. an iconic moment (1:40~)
  4. this other scene in star wars (0:29-2:11)
  5. other cool explosion in space because we can't legally see the star wars one yet
  6. my dragons! (~1:00) (not the lannister-burning ones)